Exclusive SPOILERS alerting - RED ALERT!!

Ihave JUST been informed BY some POWERFUL people that Kate will be seen IN JACKS flashback EPISODE in pooket WHICH is a TOWN in TIELAND!! She is there ON the run on her WAY to australia AND she is LOOKING to ADOPT a baby!!

I once AGAIN am LIKE DR Heckal AND MR Hide in that I amd the GREATEST Lostigator and THE BEST SpoilAgator in universe AND Beyond!!!

There IS no need to THANK me as I solve another MASSIVE PUZZLE!!


  1. Uh-huh...I wonder what that picture is really from?

  2. well done you must be proud of yourself? No?

  3. your soooo gay, half of your 'blogs' are not true.

  4. I done read this on anouther site

  5. What other site? Is this true then?

  6. do you have a link to the other site?

  7. Misfit as always you provide the best spoilers.

  8. Aahh, there IS need to thank you. THANK YOU MISFIT! I love you! You're the bestest Lostigator EVER!

  9. Where the hell is Tieland...i know where THAILAND is...

  10. This isn't a picture related to the lost episodes. This is a picture taken by papparazi when evangeline went lunching with that girl

    proof : http://www.sparklies.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=275&page=2

  11. Thailand maybe? "There IS no need to THANK me as I solve another MASSIVE PUZZLE!!" if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that. way to be modest ass hole

  12. hey dude i love this! the photoshop tecniques you use are awesome. u gotta teach me how to cut random photos from an episode and put it into a completely random scene and then make one of your specialty pull-outta-your-ass-stories.

  13. if you want to read the real stuff on lost go here http://www.spoilerfix.com/lost.php
    and I know this wont get posted

  14. Wow im sure she's on the run from the police and then goes hey let me adopt a baby! that would be very smart!

  15. I can't wait for the new episode "Not in Miami" tonight on NBC television! I thought they weren't coming back until February, but Misfit says tonight!

  16. yeah not!
    this is a papparazzi pic...
    not this time...

  17. Dude, must you thank yourself so much? You sound like a crazed idiot. Being in that bed must make one quite nutz, as in your situation of course...

  18. Oh, one other thing. I love how you have back-to-back predictions on who the episode "not in portland" is a flashback episode will be for... With that said, both predictions are contradict each other, and in the end, both were gravely wrong. I think the world knew that the first episode was a Juliet flashback LOOOONNG ago.. Pay attention, there is more places to get news than that sick head of yours..


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