Missing Swan STATION Instruction manual FOUND!!

I HAVE been leaked THIS part of the Swan Instruction MANUAL that reveals a BIT more about the station AND the LOCKdown procedure!! This WILL be found by LOCKE in Episode 12 WITH some other Pages as WELL as a mysterious OBJECT that is NOT of this world!!

NEWSFlashy!! - I've JUST been told By my Mr.MOLE that he WILL send me the PHOTO of the Mysterious NOT of this WORLD photo TOMORROW!! Look out for YET another World EXCLUSIVE from the world famous LOSTIGATOR!!


  1. haha, wow this one has to be an all-time LOW for you Misfit. How very pathetic. LMAO

  2. this is clearly bogus. you can see some very light print, showing through from the other side of the page. If you increase the contrast and flip the image to read it, it is talking about internet attackers with fake IP addresses, TCP/IP protocols, etc. Whether by mIsFiT or someone else, this image is clearly faked. See lost-theory-creator dot com for more info on this.

  3. you fool, this is from the others lost sites, i'm sure
    and why it has cut???
    can't u make anything by yourself

  4. great find again misfit.when will you post the rest of it?

  5. Hi Misfit!
    It was very generous of your mole to leak this intriguing material to you. Can't wait to see that mysterious object that is not of this world and I hope you can post an enlarged close-up photo as soon as Locke finds it.

    p.s. it was fun to talk with you in your chat room.

  6. Hey,

    In the background is something written abaout BUffer overflows from www.samspublishing.com ... why?

  7. misfit, why did you delete my comment pointout of that this image is bogus? the text on the other side of the paper talks about hackers, IP addresses, packets, TCP/IP, etc.

  8. this shit is fake as always Misfisting you are finished now and your blog is boring

  9. in step 1, there is an o missing on the word 'micro'

  10. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n303/liney_2006/bogusswan.jpg[/IMG]

  11. Gordon Bennet!! Wouldya look a dat ?? bloody fine work if i do say so mah self, good on ya mate! cheerio!!!

    pap pap

  12. this is 103.091230914% BULLshit

  13. a) This isn't new, it's about a year old.

    b) It's fake.

    c) you're a retard.

  14. theres always sum1 who has summat cocky 2 say, y not jst live a little, make fun of lost while enjoyin it u [censored by abc]

  15. Is this real or is it one of those fan made things?

  16. proceed is spelt wrong, you spelt it with one 'e'.
    what a fake


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