I am ALLOWED to post AGAIN!!

Hello LOSTIGATOR fans!! I am VERY sorry for my lack OF updates BUT I have had some problems WITH people who Attacked ME with electronic WAREFARE!!I was TOLD not to PUBLISH any more TRUE facts ABOUT Lost or I would be TAKEN away and prodded OR something!!

When LOST resumes ON Feb 6th with NOT In Portsmouth I will BE ready with MY Brain to discover MORE clues and to FINALLY solve LOST for everyone!!Tony and Frederick WILL be helping me out with VIDEO and photos AND I hope to have SOME major spoilers FROM MY MOLE man at ABC!!


  1. Finally you're back brother. I almost lost my reason to live. Keep up the fantastic work.

  2. glad to have you back =) It´s been very lonely without you.

  3. Yay!!!!
    This is the best news I've had all day!
    Welcome back!

  4. Misfit,

    Do not ever do that to me again....I felt like i do whenever my heroin dealer dries up....anywho, when is your new mole going to give up some spoilers? I need it like an eight year old in a trunk.

  5. glad to have u back love to read ur some of your crazy thoughts.

  6. The LOSTIGATOR is back and still alive !!! Yeahhh. You rock....

  7. I am so happy you are back Misfit!!! *kiss kiss* [hug hug] You've made my substandard day so very much LESS fetid. Things are looking to being back to normal and once again my world will spin in greased grooves.

  8. Thank GOD!

    WE thought you were TAKEN out by ABC!

  9. about bloddy time u prick

  10. FISTMIT re-TURNS!!! and HEAR we all thought jr madams AND CHARLESTON chews & deadman LIMBURGER (john)locked YOU up IN a hatch and HAD you pressing a BUTTON to keep you FROM giving us two much inFORmaTION about LO$T!!!

    WELCOME back brother!!!

  11. Finally! I thought you left for good! Hope u had a good chrimbo

  12. Oh God your back. Well for starters it's on Feb 7th and it's called Not in Portland you dumbass. The only reason I like your website is because it's stupid and funny.

  13. I thought they had killed you and stole your ginormous BRIAN!!


    ite.. =]

  15. THANC god!!!11 i THOUGHT you were DEAD!11






  17. Yay! Luv u mate, ur such a ledge!

  18. k this way happy you behind the kuskus of the buitenbeentje!!! * * [ the embrace embrace ] are you have my day below the half-measure so much LESS have been stinkend made. The things look back to being to normally and once again my world will spin in greased grooves. Do ever that not to me... I felt again if I do when my heroin trader... anywho dry, when am your new mole which will give some spoilers up? I need it as consider yaer-oud in tree-tame. Oh god your back. Well for incite it is on 7 February and it is not called in Portland you dumbass. The only reason I of your Internet site keep is because it is stupidly and funny.

  19. The island was in the beginning invaded in 1969 by the government of the UNITED STATES in order to be ace used to supplement the secret service of research. The work concluded on the island was mainly in the field of psychology and the research of the extraterrestrial intelligence. The goal of with their research was to develop with the drug subject with which inable would examine destroy the ground. The island was invaded at the origin in 1969 by the government of the stops of E.E.U.U. to employ like the higher secret service of research. The work made in island was mainly in the sectors of the psychology and the research of the extraterrestrial intelligence. The aim of its research was to develop a drug according to which it would permit a test destroy the ground. The era punt of collapse purely but. The survivors of flight 815 are reproduce subjects of the preceding test and the ' monster ' is an induced hallucination of electromágnetico. There are two groups of others. A group is the developed synthetic human beings because it leaves the initiative of Dharma and the other is survival of precedent a flat collapse. ' the incident ' in film of the direction mentioned was an accidental nuclear breath which soiled a great part of the island and genetic foreigners of changes produced in the local life of the factory and the animal and if the button in the portilla do not tighten every 108 minutes a secret network of flood of satellites the world with the radiation of electromágnetica, destroying all the life of the ground. The father of Kate was a principal figure in the initiative of Dharma. The numbers represent a constant physics which is central with the physics of the route of time. The air crash was purely destiny. The survivors of the plough of flight 815 copies experimental subjects preceding and the ' monster ' is a hallucination electromagnetically induced. There plows two groups of others. A group plows the part of aces developed by human synthetic of the initiative of Dharma and with other survivors of plough of with preceding air crash. The ' incident ' mentioned in accidental film of orientation was a nuclear localized explosion which soiled a great part of the island and the strange genetic changes produced in the life of factory and animal and if the button in the trap door is not supported on each 108 make you an outline with the secret network of the satellites flood the world with the electromagnetic radiation, destroying all the life on ground. Katés with the father was to be carried out appears in the initiative of Dharma. The numbers represent with the constant power station of medical examination which is with the physique of the voyage from time. The aim of their research was to develop a drug subject with which would permit a test destroy the ground. Secretions 1969 of facilidad of como of utilizada of ser of los E.E.U.U. Para. Para. gobierno Of EL of por of in originalmente of invadida of fue of isla of investigación higher. Extraterrestrial of inteligencia of Para. of búsqueda of in mow áreas of the psicología there Of todo of sober of estaba of isla of in realizado of trabajo of EL. In conformity the desarrollar of droga of una of era of investigación of puntería of known prueba cual of una of permitiría of the destruyen will tierra it of Puramente of era of plano of desplome of EL sino. Of wire of Los sobrevivientes LED vuelo 815 reproducen the former inducida of electromágnetico of alucinación of una of be of ' monstruo ' of EL of the prueba there of los temas of. Hay back grupos of otros. Plano of desplome of be sobrevivientes of one of otro of EL of como leaves the iniciativa of Dharma of desarrollados sintéticos of humanos of seres of the grupo are there of former. Local Portilla of in botón of silicon EL of the animal of LED of planted there that of explosión of una of era of in the película of the orientación of mencionado of ' incidental ' of EL of contaminó mucha of the isla of mow of mutaciones of genéticas of extrañas of producidas of in emptied there accidental nuclear power of the any electromágnetica inundarán red of radiación of swindler of mundo of EL of secreta of satélites of una of minutos of the cada 108 of presiona of, will tierra there of in of emptied of of toda of destruyendo. Principal Iniciativa of Dharma of in appeared of una of era of Kate of padre of EL. Exchange representan of sea of of física of constant of una of números of Los a tiempo of LED of física LED recorrido of the air crash was purely destiny. The survivors of flight 815 are copy of the experimental subjects preceding and the ' monster ' is a hallucination electromagnetically induced. There are two groups of others. A group are the human synthetic ones developed as an element of the initiative of Dharma and the other is survivors of a preceding air crash. The ' incident ' mentioned in film of orientation was an accidental nuclear explosion which soiled a great part of the island and the strange genetic changes produced in the local life of factory and animal and if the button in the trap door is not supported over every 108 minutes a secret network of the satellites flood the world with the electromagnetic radiation, destroying all the life on ground. The father of Kate was a principal figure in the initiative of Dharma. The numbers represent a constant physics which is central with the physique of the voyage from time.

  20. Nice to see you back, looks like the 'usual' anonymous posters are back as well..... LOL

  21. Welcome back Miss Fit. It's been too long, was beginning to worry. Love visiting this site, and laughing at all the people who forget to take your posting with an little salt. Keep it up!

  22. Mister Fits! I'm so glad to be alive with you! Now you can make benefit the glorious nation of LOST!

  23. Wahey ur back i thought u were dead or somthing thank god ur ok lol and keep the facts coming =)

  24. Wahey ur back i thought u were dead or somthing thank god ur ok lol and keep the facts coming =)

  25. This is not the true mistfit. this is his brother taking over for him. The real Misfit is sadly dead

  26. man, never do that again, i thought i was going to day without the truth about Lost that you are responsible to give us!

    stay alive and lostigating!


  27. no one from ABC is out to get misfit
    I mean he said they sent him a ticket to see the show if they did that than why would they want to d him in
    I think he was just locked up for a bit in a padded cell with the rest of us nuts

  28. Anyone notice that when lost is off air so is the misfit.Do any of you not find that patronising?Its because hes found it harder to rip off pictures from other sites.The fact is im Damon Lindelofs cousin and I know for a fact that Damon reads this and other site forums. The season 2 episode called "Dave" is based on what other people where thinking so sometimes your going to be right.Because the makers allow you to be.This is big boy shit and your just a tit.You arent going to solve it!!!

  29. Damon Lindelofs cousin

    You are having a laugh you stupid fucking idiot.Some people will do anything for attention.If you are his cousin prove it or shut the fuck up.

  30. OMG Misfit is back!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back and look forward to your crazy theories in Feb!

  31. I've missed you TREmendousLY! Glad you're back. I Love you Misfit!
    Colleen :)

  32. Hey! Is good you're back! Keep up, your web is so funny and inventive!

  33. glad to see you are back! :)

  34. he stop posting for awhile cause he was embarrassed by the mistake he made when he was calling 'daybreak' LOST
    I would hide my ass to if I made a goof like that

    so mistfit your gonna watch NOT In Portsmouth again

  35. really??!!

    ono thats terrible!!!




    FISTMIT re-TURNS!!! and HEAR we all thought jr madams AND CHARLESTON chews & deadman LIMBURGER (john)locked YOU up IN a hatch and HAD you pressing a BUTTON to keep you FROM giving us two much inFORmaTION about LO$T!!!





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