Google MAPS unveil new LOST set in HAWAII!!!!

Hello FANS!! I was HAVING a play with some SOFTWARE Called GOOGLE maps which is a map software thING!! I thouht I would ZOOM massively ONE hawaii TO see if I could see BERNARD in the jungle OR vincent eating the DEAD body!!

However I came ACROSS this OBJECT that scared ME!! It looks LIKE i have uNCOVERED a new DHARMA set!!

If ANYONE in Hawaii can FIND this PLEASE let me know what Colour IT is!!

Marcus POLO would have been PROUD of this MAPPING!!


  1. where is this? can you put a link to a google MAP page

  2. FIRST TO COMMENT! YES!!! Well, that looks pretty cool! Note the shape! Another great find!

  3. Keep up the good work my brother

  4. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock. you suck cock.

  5. thats Marco polo aka Boone

  6. if that is relly true... maybe they are building for next season right?

    the third season is almost done!

    so, if that is true, make me angry because this serial is looking as TWIN PEAKS boring and shitty!
    Why autors doesn't wanna explain ALL old secrets?

  7. Where in Hawaii should that be ?
    On wich Island ...

  8. Where in Hawaii should that be ?
    On wich Island ...

  9. where did you find it? lostigator?! where on hawaii?! details please ;) why do you wanna know its color?!

  10. can you give the coordinates, i'd like to check this out on google earth too

  11. This is was supposed to be one of Saddam's new palace's...this is NOT I repeat NOT in Hawaii...if you are trying to find this in Hawaii, have fun looking!

  12. N 33d 18' 29.03"

    E 44D 20' 57.01"

    What a crock of shit

  13. Whereabouts in Hawaii? I've been looking through the map on google earth too, I found the dharma shape, but its completely different than the one you found...

  14. odds are that this picture was taken long before season 3. Google maps in not a live feed from a sattelite, it is millions of photos taken from sattelites put together. They dont take new pictures of areas already photographed, they take new pictures of blurry areas.

  15. Themisfitishere: I have been secretly sent by US mail a spoiler shot of Jack's Dad monitoring every one in the pearl station!!! This is not to be posted, but only to collaborate any similiar spoilers. It should only be sent by Post to avoid being copied. Print the photo and destroy all electronic copies.

    Do not post this comment on this blog, unless you remove the electronic photo!!!

  16. It's construction of the new design for Nuclear power plants. Probably from Africa. Misfit's just lies. The more people who visit his site, the more potential he has for making money. But he's like a car crash, and he know's it. He just keeps crashing and cashing in on it.

  17. I just got my period. i am bleeding like Nicole Brown Simpson.

    Love Ya Misfit,


  18. More Pic's here

    btw. The Grand Mosk is in Iraq


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