Another OF my old PREDICTIONS is coming TRUE!! Ethan HAS a clone!!

Yes MY fans I bet YOU are OVERJOYED to learn that the ALMIGHTY and terrific MISFIT(me!!) HAS had another OF his PREDICTIONS nay FACTS come TRUE!!

HEre WE can SEE a secret image FROM the internet OF Episode 19 CALLED "Exposures" WHICH is Paul and Nickky EPISODE!! HEre we CAN clearly SEE the Ethan CLONE as I predicted BACK in 2003!!

I am LIKE the famous swedish SoothSAYER Nostrildamus IN my PREDICATIONS!!

BUT can you HELP predict what they ARE all LOOKING at!! I suspect IT is a JULIET on her TRIumphant return TO the BEACH or maybe a large turtle!!


  1. Is this Arntz the man who exploded, next to Hurley?

  2. No it is Dr ArzT!!

    It LOOKS like he didnt DIE after all!!

  3. looks LIKE ethan is AFTER micky!

  4. this is all just a old photo or a flashback from one of the will see that in the upcoming episode's there are no CLONES ONLY SMOKEY

  5. that's ethan before he was killed... it's a flashback on paulo and vicky... are you stupid? what you say in your blog is sometimes a bit stupid

  6. dude ... they said that lost has and will never do cloning....

    there are no clones

  7. yeah sure, nice photoshop, weird that only ethan has a shadow casted on his head...

    next time try better!

  8. Its not photoshop its on lost media site. Its a flashback

  9. Holy Crap!! How do you explain Dr ArzT being there, too? Is he a clone or just immune to dynamite?
    Ethan rules and I am glad that he will be making a return.

  10. Its a fukin flashback ffs

  11. dr. arznt has a clone too!!!

  12. Wow! Looks like Dr Artz has survived the explosion of his body!!

  13. Thats cooll of Lost to put Arzt in the flashback too, and Ethan before they knew he was psycho. Makes their story more sense-making, and makes me happier.

  14. Hey misfit, i got an idea of something u need to investigate. on the episode of Ugly Betty when two peole get in to the cab about half way through the episode, the number on the top of the cab is 8B42
    Its on the christmas episode, when betty's boss gets drunk and the family gets a tree of him.

  15. It's PAR AVION, which is French for WITH AN AIRPLANE!!! sucker

  16. Wait a minute - Nostridameus was not swedish!!

  17. hahahaha dude ur so lame
    and stop this cRAp WiTh The DiffEreNT CaSE!

  18. this is an old picture bud, and Lost didn't premiere until 2004 how could you predict Ethan had a clone in 2003?

  19. oh yeh and isnt artz standing next to hurley

  20. This picture is in a FLASHBACK! ON THE ISLAND! GAH!


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