The MISFIT dares to ASK!! - What WERE the chances the same MUSIC would be PLAYING!!

Greetings FELLOW earthlings!! It is that TIME for me to start ASKING the questions MERE normal people FEAR to ask!! This IS the FIRST of many FOR today so PLEASE check back to SEE later UPDATES and daring do Questions!!

The FIRST question is WHAT are the CHANCES that the MUSIC playing at the START of the episode would BE the very SAME song that was playing when THE dharma van was STARTED!!

Yes theey WERE the same song!! And USING my EXPERT knowledge of Micronsoft EXCELS for Windows I have CALCULATED that the chances of that VERY song being the SAME as 893 TO 1!! THose ARE rather crazy ODDS which Leeds me TO suspect THAT Hurleys DAD Cheech WAS a FORMER Dharma VAN Driver!!

This WOULD explain his 17 YEAR absense!!

There IS no need TO thank ME for making these Terrific FINDS for you all!!


  1. hey lostigator i found something in last nights episode how do i show you???

  2. SEND me an email!! There is a big BUTTOn at the top of the PAGE!!

    HERE is my email!!

  3. Hey misfite you dont even live in the UK at all!! I live in Oxford and I dont even get to see it tell Sunday on Sky 1!!

    POST IT SO PPL can see ur a lier!!

  4. This is one of your bettter hunches. It took you a few tries but this is actully a good one. If you keep this up I might beleive in you again


  5. so, you're telling me there are only 893 songs in the world? yes? i think not. Also, you're theory makes no snese. If Cheech was the van driver, you're telling me he went to the island, drove the van out, crashed it, watched he mate roger died, got out the car, went back to mainland and let roger rot?

  6. if it hasn't shown here I cant down load on itunes
    since it only goes up after its been aired
    any dummy knows that
    post it lier

  7. Wonky Wanker (excellent choice of name) needs to learn the benefits of P2P software, lol.

  8. Wonky Wanker, you're a dumbass. If you'd have any knoledge about downloadin't tv-shows yo should know that most people don't download it from Itunes, but from torrents or anything else like that. Kick his ASS mIsFiT!!

  9. You have an unusual grasp of reality

  10. What if some people dont have P2P software? than he once gave a site where he downloaded it from and it turned out to be a porn site

  11. maybe his dad just likes that song?

  12. Your site used to be amusing. Now you have gone too far to be ridiculous. Its not funny anymore, and I won't be back.

  13. Wonky, just go to and watch the streaming video.
    Then, go to and learn how to spell "liar"

  14. >>> An Anonymouse said...
    "Your site used to be amusing. Now you have gone too far to be ridiculous. Its not funny anymore, and I won't be back."

    Well dear what can one say other than "don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha."

  15. This misfit has changed.. he's not too goofy. It's almost like someone else took over for him. He's too stipid now.. before, he had a certain air of intelligence and believability.. enough that some people would take him seriously.

    Misfit.. if this is still you.. you've jumped the shark!

    This blog has become just plain 'stupid'.

    We used to have a similar character back in the 80's on a local BBS. a complete buffoon, who acted and typed this same way. Even so, some people believed the character was real. Shiroi, Bruce? is this you?

  16. hey wonky wanker, after you're done swallowing swords tonight you should lay down and have a really fat person stand on your throat for about 45 minutes. that should do the trick.

  17. dude im the guy who plays hurley and u av got the wrong idea

  18. Evan ABC steam don't work in the UK
    and I dare to ask do all people in the UK spell poorly

  19. Hey poo.
    1. Re: the stream: Oh, sorry. I'm just as nooby as Wonky, I guess.
    2. RE: English People not being able to spell: Since you can't seem to spell "doesn't" or "stream" properly, I kinda have to say yes:


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