The MISFIT dares to ASK!! - WHy is THE chess program FAULTY!!

I have MORE questions THAT none else asks!!

The COMPUTER says that the CHESS game is over but IT Is nOT!! Being AN expert chess player MYSELF I can tell YOU that the Horesy THING can GO in FRONT of the CASTLE looking thing to AVOID CHECK MATES!!

Now THIS means that LOCKE hacked the COMPUTER or he cheated OR The CHESS Program has the SICKNESS!!


  1. Checkmate in two. game is still over for white. And all this insight having not even seen the episode yet mwhahahahahaha

    P.s great site. I come here for all the right answers! your 104.22% quality lost information and theories

    Keith -Brisbane

  2. You might be an expert when it comes to chess, but you're certainly an idiot when it comes to grammar.

  3. good find. i dont think its mate in two. anyway a computer chess game is not over until its over.

  4. it's mate in two. Knight intercedes, rook takes knight, bishop takes rook, queen takes bishop -mate

  5. being an expert chess player.... the horsey thing.

    yes.. very professional

  6. It cheets. The PC cheets. said Patchy. He knows.

  7. You are so fucking full of shit you know nothing about lost or chess the only thing your good at is making a complete idiot out f your self o yeah thats right take some spelling lessons you fucking retard

  8. if your such an expert tell me how a pawn can take a peice, what shape the knight goes in, andwhich peice can go in any direction


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