Shocking NEWS!! I have just BLOWN up the Kitchen AND Frederick IS missing!!

HellO PEOPLE!! I have SOME sad and Shocking NEWS!! Myself and TONY and Frederrick DECIDED to build THE Security FENCE that is shown in next weeks episode OF lost called "POOR Aviaton"!!

As YOU can see we did not HAVE a large FIELD to play with so WE built IT in Frederricks Garage!!

Here IS Frederick standing over his CREATION!! This is the LAST known photo of him!!

We THEN turned IT on and IT went ALL purple LIKE the sky in LOST!! Then we all GOT electronic ELECTRICITY shocks from the PURPLE rays!! ANd then THE Kitchen IMPLODED Like the HATCH!!

We DONT know where FREDERICK is!! I suspect HE might WAKE up naked somewhere AND hopefully Like crazy welshman DESMOND might be able to TELL us the future!! or HE might simply be invisible!!


  1. The problem was more likely caused by a lack of a Flux Capacitor.

    Had you used this, then Frederick wouldn't have been pulled into a different time-line or worse, a tangent universe.

    I wouldn't worry until after time catches up in a few days and he hasn't reappeared.

    Retrieval from a tangent universe would be trickier, but I could help you out with that.

  2. Have you tried consulting a clairvoyant? Maybe someone akin to the spiritual world may be of assistance in your endeavor to locate your beloved Frederick.

  3. Your friends erection in the kitchen looks very different from the poles erected on the island. Also, your friends erection seems to have some kind of purplish discharge that we don't see from the poles on the island. I don't think you have the same design. That's probably why it didn't work as planned.

  4. hahahahhahaah xD

    sweet :P

  5. I really think you need to sing yourself up to psyc ward or something because you seriously need help NOW!!! You need to sort your brain out or you've been smoking to much weed.

  6. I wouldn't worry too much. Many characters aren't around for extended periods of time this season. Remember when we didn't see Gin or Vincent for, like, 37 weeks in a row? And then they showed up to help Herley drive his mystery machine.

    So, I expect that Frederick will show up before the season finale.

  7. HOLY HELL! call FRANCESCA or whatever her name is!

  8. Thank you for finally doing some cool lost research and not just making stupid guesses about lost. good job

  9. I hope Frederick turns up!

  10. It looks like the security fence experiment teleported your shower into your kitchen, too!

  11. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO!! MisFit you're hysterical

  12. fredrick is locked in my basement. i demand 20million dollars in unmarked bills. you can contact me at

    for more information.

    you have 48 hours. the clock is ticking. i will kill him if the deadline is not met. i will also kill him if you pay me.

  13. You should spend less time on making security fences and more on cleaning up your shelves. What a mess! The Dharma Bum Initiative guys are way better at stocking and shelving.

  14. Hahah great one again misfit.
    Friends erection in the kitchen...hahahah

  15. Can i tell you something. People like you are called nerds. And nerds.. will never get laid. So please. Don't show this shit to us, okilol?

  16. ...Misfit you are SO much FUN... :-))

    Well my dear friend I'm so sorry to read that Frederick went all kablooey but I have a feeling he's not far away. No doubt his hair will have gotten all frizzed up & his eyeglasses crackled from those electrical bolts, poor thing... but whats worse is that he probably will be buck naked as Des was! So when you & Tony sally forth to find him don't forget to bring along a large T-shirt for him to cover up with.

  17. Fredrick is probably making time with Peggy Weatherspoon; Desmarks girlfriend. I love ya ThEmIsFiTiShErE. Big ol' Hurley hugs.

  18. These are all pictures stolen from wikepedia and the internet. Get a life, or at least post relevent, credible facts about Lost!

  19. hahahahah that was reaalyy funny!!

  20. you are the man, misfit.

  21. Fred was and is an ABC agent who was spying on you.

  22. desmond isnt welsh...jes scottish

  23. U have a good imagination thats all im going to say... all i can do is laugh and tell you to watch your fucking spelling because yours is like this -- GeUss WaT Ive Now FOUded OuT TOday!!! u retard misfit

  24. misfit, you seriously need to get a life.

  25. it's funny how ppl keep saying "get a life" but have nothing better to do but search the internet for where the pictures are from! löl

    if frederick does turn up again, get me his number, he looks kinda hot!


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