World EXCLUSIVES!! Paulo AND nikki are NOT dead!!

Yes PEOPLE who inhabit the INTERNET it is ME again!!I can HERE by reveal that PAULO and NIKKI are back NEXT week with this EXCLUSIVE!!

What NO other LOST site has realised IS that last NIGHTS episode EXPOSURES was just a DREAM that NIKKI had!! Here IS an exclusive PHOTO for the MILLIONS of ThEmIsFiTiShErE fans TO look at WITH their EYES!!

This SHOWS us MOMENTS after the DREAM with nikii WAKING up screaminG!! THIS is why the WRITERS have SAID this was a JUMP the SHarp moment!! This IS FROM the start of EPISODE 15 "Right Behind YOU"!!

ONCE again proof that I am the GREATEST of all LOSTIGATORS and SPoilergators!!


  1. or thats from a deleted scene they never used from the hatch implosion!

  2. WOAH! What the hell is that photo? Could this be real or did you photoshop it?

  3. omg if this is true this is a real game changer

  4. wtf-This cant be true?

    Can anyone confirm this photo has not been tampered with

  5. photoshop

    geez misfit give it up

  6. Misfit you're simply the best. The photoshop obsessed have no faith. tch tch

  7. It's jump the SHARK not jump the SHARP. You're an idiot!!!

  8. It's jump the SHARK not jump the SHARP.

  9. Mr drizzle WHY did you post that TWICE!! THre WERE no sharks in the EPISODE and quite FRANKLY i don't know what YOU are talking about!!

    HELLO jennifer!!

  10. its an photo of an outtake those 2 are dead as a door nail

  11. thats not photoshoped, but its not from an upcomin episode either
    its from a scene that was taken out of last nights episode, where we see nikki and paulos reactions to the sky turning purple
    i dont know why they cut it though, i would of wanted to see that.

  12. j-dazzle must have jumped over the shirt TWICE!!!

    Polo and Niki were never burried! THat is why that they will be back alive in the next episode.

  13. Every one noticed this seeing Nikki's openned eyes at the end

  14. It's just an unused scene from Expose..sorry..Exposures.

  15. Misfit you suck. You wont post my comments because you are scared. You are a homo!

  16. That isn't photoshopped!
    Does anyone here except the Misfit actually watch lost?
    In this week's episode Paulo and Nikki were bitten by the spider which slowed their system down, so anyone even I doctor would think they were dead, but for 8 hours only. So they were burried alive. At the very end of Exposé Nikki opened her eyes for a second while the last bunch of sole was but over her.
    So I guess they will find a way to get out of their graves.

    Excellent find Misfit.

  17. I can confirm its not can find it yourself at lost media or practically any spoiler site will link you to it.

  18. Your title for this one should have been: "World Exclusives!! Paulo AND nikki are NOT dead...yet, BUT they will be in about 60 seconds!!!"

  19. I think we are all glad pablo and nikki are finally dead and hope it stays that way. That was the worst episode ever by the way! -Was funny though when sawyer says "who are you?" And was funny that Sawyer kept getting the names wrong, just like Misfit. Maybe they're cousins. PS I hate pablo and nikki Did I say I hate pablo and nikki? Cuz I hate pablo and nikki --Worst episode ever!--


  21. then why there's the hatchdoor in front of them?

  22. Why you did't pictured that there's the hatchdoor in front of them? That's a promotional photo that anyone can see on lost-media...

  23. Jump the shark is when the Producers/Writers get so desperate for ideas they do the most outlandish things, and continue making the show suck forever more, and the show never recovers. If you don't like a show, but, then like what comes after that show it didn't jump the shark.. But, if it continues sucking, the episode where things starting down the toilet becomes the "Jump the Shark" moment. It came from Happy Days when Fonzie was challenged to jump over a shark on waterskis when the whole crew were in California. He did so in his leather jacket and lost the respect of millions of now middle aged baby boomers.

    P.S. - If you're going to say hello, at least get the name right!

  24. this is the worst site i've ever seen. most of your pictures are photoshopped, and the ones that arnt don't even look like what you claim they are. the pictues don't show anything conclusive-they are just random photos mostly from previous episodes. get a life.

  25. I have solved the misfit mistery!!!
    ThEmIsFiTiShErE is an anagram for...
    His "freetime" shit.
    Me is shit, He I fret.

    This lead me to the conclusion he is an obvious con artist. Don't belive anything you read here.

    Possible it also could stand for "I FETISHES HERMIT". It could explain why this site exist.

  26. Anagram "I FETISHES HERMIT" is huge.. Look it up in wikipedia "A hermit (from the Greek ἔρημος erēmos, signifying "desert", "uninhabited", hence "desert-dweller") is a person who lives to some greater or lesser degree in seclusion and/or isolation from society."

    Could misfit be a leader of a religous cult? A hermitic cult that have connections to the real Lost island?


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