DOC Preview!! The ARE ghosts!!

HEllo Everyone!!

Aftyer LAST nights thrilling EPISODE "April-22" of crazy Irish MONK Desmond I was shocked to SEE yet ANOTHER of my theories proved CORRECT!! YEs THERE are ghosts on the ISLAND and they are the CAUSE of the whispers!!

You only HAVE to look at the PROMO for next weeks EPISODE "DOC" which I assume IS a JACK/Doctor FLASH to SEE!!


  1. you are the future dude!!!

  2. For one, this episode is not APril 22, The book was Adril-22 which is Portugese for Catch 22.

    Second D.O.C. stands for date of conception and it revolved around Sun's pregnancy.

  3. Actually, idiot, thats just fading in and out. And D.O.C. stands for Date of Conception--its a Jin/Sun episode.

  4. Actually, Anonymous idiot, this blog is not serious. If you don't get that, you have a problem.

    Of course Misfit will disagree, but that's part of the character that is the Misfit.

  5. And Desmond's no' Irish

  6. I think you got it wrong. Desmond is Korean and Jin is Scottish.
    I'm looking forward to this DOC episode. Maybe our good doctor is depressed because he can't play the piano anymore.

  7. Well said King Of Bob, i consider myself a lost fan, and love visiting this site, for a laugh. SOme of the lost sites can get way to heavy.. as you can see ;-)

  8. misfit is the king bitches!

  9. I guess the zombie season came early!

  10. I think this BOg is so goof it should be on the INTERNET!

  11. Misfit--are you aware that you yield great power? Because of you I can't get anyone on Lostpedia to speculate on the ghosts. We've entertained all sorts of absurd theories in the past without fear of being laughed at....

  12. Not ghosts. Nice theory, but it's wrong. Ehese are obviously flesh-eating zombies.

  13. Do you watch these episodes with no sound???

    Everyone of your predictions is wrong!!!

  14. They are suppose to be dead but the others put the the ones on the "list" on a different plane than oceanic flight 815 and the people on the real oceanic flight 815 died in a plane crash not realated to the island. If they kill Charlie I kill myself. ):


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