Come AND fight the MISFIT!!

Some BAD people have WANTED to hurt me!! Probably Carlton CUSED and Damon Lidoff!! Here is YOUR chance TO fit me!!


  1. the games was kinda boring. i didn't enjoy beating you up

  2. 12 sec motherfucha

    just kiddin'

    great game misfit

  3. ha ha i killed misfit :-)

  4. I would never want to fight you Misfit cuz you are my daily sunshine. I'd be LOST without you.

  5. This is so stupid. I lost and I still apparently won

  6. Aw, don't worry Mikey, I would never want to hurt you!

  7. now YOU are DEATH!!!! MR MiSfIt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NOW im GOING to waTCh FIGHT again with MY night VISON gooogles!!
    I feel VERY large CLUE!!!!!!!!

  8. skip to main | skip to sidebar ThEmIsFiTiShErE
    I am the WORLDS greatest Living LOSTIGATOR and spoilerGATOR!!

    Tuesday, May 29, 2007
    Island HEALED Freckles OF her Freckles!! and SMOKEY back as JACKS bandaid!!
    Yes I am BACK!! I was LOOKING at The Man who Threw a Looking GLASS using mY Night VIsion GOOGLES when I noticed SOMETHING about KATE!! It appears THAT the Island HAS cured KATE of her FRECKLES!!

    ALSO I decided TO watch THE episode UPSIDE down with one EYE shut to see what I could FIND out!! When I was UPSIDE down I noticed that SMOKEY is BACK and has taken the FORM of the Bandaid/Plaster on JACKS head!! It KEEPS moving over HIS head!!

    Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7 comments

    Labels: I threw the Magifying GLASS, kate

    Monday, May 28, 2007
    Come AND fight the MISFIT!!
    Some BAD people have WANTED to hurt me!! Probably Carlton CUSED and Damon Lidoff!! Here is YOUR chance TO fit me!!

    Posted on Monday, May 28, 2007 8 comments

    Thursday, May 24, 2007
    My Reviews AND Eastern EGGS from "I threw the Magifying GLASS"
    Hello AGAIN interent fiends!! Well THAT was some EPISODE ("I threw the Magifying GLASS") although I need to watch IT again at lease 13.84 TIMES to make sure I don't Miss ANY clues OF facts!! Although I DONT recall anyone GOING through the A Magnifying glass!!

    It was AN odd EPISODE as it SEEMED to take longer TO download AND took a lot longer TO watch!! MAYBE this is the START of the TIME anomoly

    HEre ARE my early THOUGHTS on the episode!!

    Why was PATCHY using his BLIND eye to AIM!!

    Why DIDNT Jack REMEMBER kate when they FIRST crashed!! OBVIOUSLY at the end on the EPISODE knew about the ISLAND as I've PREDICATED all along!! I told YOU Kate had BEEN there before!!

    CHARLIES note to CLAIRE will be all SOggy after DESMOND fell into the SEA!!

    It was FUNNY when Miknail FORGET to let go of the GRENADE and blew HIMSELF up!!

    Why DIDNT Charlie Write something more USEFUL like "HELP" or "Open THE door" on his hand!!

    Why DO Dharma VANS have bulletproof GLASS!!

    Nice TO See Jack attend Walts FUNERAL but I was SURPRISED that crazed SHOOTER michael was not there!!

    I was SURE Carton Cused SAID something about A MAILbox and a snake or Rabbt!! I WILL need to WATCH again but I did not see any MAILBOXES or any snakes!!

    LOOKing at the maps it looks LIKE the Island is iN ENGLAND!! IN fact I exacmined the LINE and the RULER goes RIGHT through my house!! I think THEY are trying to SEND me a warning!! CUSED and LIMEDOLF are TRYING to actually LOCATE me!!

    Why DOES Jack have a MASSIVE Watch!!

    Funny TO also SEE sun and Jin on the PLANE!!

    It was NICE to see crazy German WOMAN Danielle FINALLY meet her spainish daughter Alex and IT was nice that they Bonded by Bonding Ben to the tree!!

    THis EPISODE proved again MY theory THAT Christian Shephard is STILL alive!!

    What WAS penny Doing on the TV !!

    Who WAS the tall Basketball PLAYER that foudn Locke in the PIT!!

    I'm REALLY looking forward now to next weeks EPISODE called THE Retreat!!

    I will BE posting my FACTOIDS later as I watch with MY night VISON gooogles!!

    Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2007 52 comments

    Labels: I threw the Magifying GLASS

    Friday, May 18, 2007
    MY Review of GREATEST Hats!!
    HELLO fans!! I have JUST watched this WEEKS Episode of LOST "Greatet Hats" as I forgot it was A Thursday YESTERDAY!! I think ABC have been changing my CLOCKS!!

    BEFORE this WEEKS brief REVIEW here is something I rememebred WHEN I watched LAST weeks epsiode

    - Reviewing LAST weeks episode I noticed JACOB say HELP Me!! The same as the HURLEY bird that SAID Help ME!!

    HERE is the review,Eastern EGGS and QUestions from Greatest hats!!

    - Why DID the others MEMBER of Charlie BAND Drivebelt attack SAYIDs sister Nadia!!
    - WHY DID Sayid ALLOW Crazed BErnard (aka ALVIN Hansoi) ACCESS to a gun!! That IS just crazy!!
    - I LIKED how DESMOND went back IN time and TAUGHT Charlie TO Swim!!
    - I loved the NEW Playboy Stations with the playboy rabbit!! I fear THIS show MAY go a little R rated!!
    - Why DID Charlie ATTACK Desmond the the OARS!!
    - Why DIDNT they just cut the CABLE to the playboy STATION!!
    - Why DO the others HATE rabbits so much!! They are EITHER shaking them TO death or STABBING them and taking their FUR off!! Maybe they are MAKING shoes or ties WITH the fur!!
    - HOW can you have A Greatest HITS album with jUST one song on IT!!
    - JUST how much dyanmite did THE Dark ROCK ship have!! I thought LOCKE used it all oN The submarine diversion EXPLOSION and on the Fire STATION!!
    - THe WOMEN in the station ARE original DAHRMA people!! They THINK CHARLIE is an other!!
    - WHY Did Sayid TRY to play RUGBY with Karl!! There WERE much more impotent THINGS to do!!
    - IT was VERY handy that JULIET was able to DRAW the Playboy hatch LAYOUT from memory!!
    - WAS Charlie trying to KILL aaron by leaving HIS ring in his CRIB so that he would choke!!

    I am VERY excited about NEXT weeks EPisode "I threw the Magifying GLASS" which IS a JACOB flashback showing how HE bacome a Ghost!!

    Posted on Friday, May 18, 2007 24 comments

    Labels: greatest hats

    World EXCLUSIVE!! Kate and JACK saved some BEHIND the scenes PHOTOS!!
    Here are SOME world EXCLUSIVE photos from my Super MOLE of BEHIND the scenes OF the RESCUE boat that TAKES Jack and kate off THE island IN next Weeks EPISODE "I threw the Magifying GLASS"!!

    I will HAVE do MY Eastern EGGS and REview hopefulyl LATER!!

    Posted on Friday, May 18, 2007 20 comments

    Labels: jack, kate

    Monday, May 14, 2007
    Major UNCOVERED Eastern EGG!! Jacob Went TO School WITH Ben!!
    Hello PEOPLE who like LOST!! It is ME the Great LOSTIGATOR and EGG Hunter!!

    Here IS an Eastern EGG FROm the man who bought a curtain, that NO OTHER so called LOST site is brave ENOUGH or clever enough to PUBLISH!!

    I have FOUND that the When JACOB was a CHILD he went to the SAME school as Ben!!

    YOu can see HIM sitting BEHIND BEN in these 2 SCREENSHOTS!! He is READING his books about Volcanoes!!

    Posted on Monday, May 14, 2007 38 comments

    Labels: benny, jacob, the man who bought a curtain

    Friday, May 11, 2007
    Some KEY questions that YOU MUST answer NOW!!
    Hello AGAIN!! I have some QUESTIONS that I think ARE FACTS but I would LOVE to hear FROM people who are fans!!

    1) IS Juliet secrety PREGNANT with Goodwills child?
    IS THIS the real Reason SHE wants off the ISLAND!!

    2) DID Jacob give BEN the Tumor to KILL him!!
    WAS this Jacobs way to BE free OF BEN!!

    3) Did JACOB bring LOCKE to the ISLAND to free HIM!!
    Was THIS why it CRASHED!!

    4) WHERE did the Hostils GET all the Weapons FROM!!
    Gas MASKS and GAS!! Where AND why!!

    5) Why DID Richard Alpen LET Ben be the leader!!
    What WAS special about BEN!!

    6) IF Roger Litmus DID not like the ISLAND why did he STAY there 15 YEARS!!
    Why NOT ask ben to leave

    7) WAS Karl BORN in a test TUBE!!
    He is NOT old enough to HAVE been born OFF the island!! Where IS his MOTHER!!

    8) Is Bens CHILDHOOD fiend ANNIE a younge KATE!!
    Yes I think THIS is as good AS Fact!!

    Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 14 comments

    The ISLAND is on EARTH and Is not in the PAST
    Welcome Fiends!! It is TIME to sahre ANOTHER massive factoid WITH you!!

    I can CONFIRM that The ISLAND is on EARTH and is NOT in the past!!

    As you CAN see from THIS Screen capture OF electronic GOODNESS one of the NEW Dharma cleaners IS making a PHONE call!! I think HE might BE phoning the EVIL Bernard AKA Alvin Hansom FROM Hamso INDUSTRIES!!

    Click ON the IMAGE to make IT Expand TO mammouth And GIGANTIC proportions!!

    Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 12 comments

    Eastern EGG!! Did YOU spot Michael
    With THE help OF my friend RECBECCA I have foudn MICHAEL!! When DID Michael Join the OTHERS!! Was HE a plant all ALONG!!

    Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 6 comments

    Labels: michael

    Thursday, May 10, 2007
    MY SOFTWARE has worked out who JACOB is!!
    As my Millions OF fans already KNOW I am one of the mOST repected LOSTIGATORS on the internet and IN books!! You must also know that I write SOFTWARE on a that IS more sophisticated than GOGGLE and MicronSoft and I have RUN my FACE Discovery AND Recognition software ON Jacob!!

    The FACE discovery software DICSOVERED and enhanced the IMAGE to the crystal CLEAR image below and THIS was MATCHED at 87.495% with Jacks alcoholic Brother Christian!!

    Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2007 19 comments

    Labels: christian, jack, jacob

  9. Hello ThEmIsFiTiShErE
    I am the WORLDS greatest Living LOSTIGATOR and spoilerGATOR!!

    Tuesday, May 29, 2007
    Island HEALED Freckles OF her Freckles!! and SMOKEY back as JACKS bandaid!!
    Yes I am BACK!! I was LOOKING at The Man who Threw a Looking GLASS using mY Night VIsion GOOGLES when I noticed SOMETHING about KATE!! It appears THAT the Island HAS cured KATE of her FRECKLES!!

    ALSO I decided TO watch THE episode UPSIDE down with one EYE shut to see what I could FIND out!! When I was UPSIDE down I noticed that SMOKEY is BACK and has taken the FORM of the Bandaid/Plaster on JACKS head!! It KEEPS moving over HIS head!!

    Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7 comments

    Labels: I threw the Magifying GLASS, kate

    Monday, May 28, 2007
    Come AND fight the MISFIT!!
    Some BAD people have WANTED to hurt me!! Probably Carlton CUSED and Damon Lidoff!! Here is YOUR chance TO fit me!!

    Posted on Monday, May 28, 2007 8 comments

    Thursday, May 24, 2007
    My Reviews AND Eastern EGGS from "I threw the Magifying GLASS"
    Hello AGAIN interent fiends!! Well THAT was some EPISODE ("I threw the Magifying GLASS") although I need to watch IT again at lease 13.84 TIMES to make sure I don't Miss ANY clues OF facts!! Although I DONT recall anyone GOING through the A Magnifying glass!!

    It was AN odd EPISODE as it SEEMED to take longer TO download AND took a lot longer TO watch!! MAYBE this is the START of the TIME anomoly

    HEre ARE my early THOUGHTS on the episode!!

    Why was PATCHY using his BLIND eye to AIM!!

    Why DIDNT Jack REMEMBER kate when they FIRST crashed!! OBVIOUSLY at the end on the EPISODE knew about the ISLAND as I've PREDICATED all along!! I told YOU Kate had BEEN there before!!

    CHARLIES note to CLAIRE will be all SOggy after DESMOND fell into the SEA!!

    It was FUNNY when Miknail FORGET to let go of the GRENADE and blew HIMSELF up!!

    Why DIDNT Charlie Write something more USEFUL like "HELP" or "Open THE door" on his hand!!

    Why DO Dharma VANS have bulletproof GLASS!!

    Nice TO See Jack attend Walts FUNERAL but I was SURPRISED that crazed SHOOTER michael was not there!!

    I was SURE Carton Cused SAID something about A MAILbox and a snake or Rabbt!! I WILL need to WATCH again but I did not see any MAILBOXES or any snakes!!

    LOOKing at the maps it looks LIKE the Island is iN ENGLAND!! IN fact I exacmined the LINE and the RULER goes RIGHT through my house!! I think THEY are trying to SEND me a warning!! CUSED and LIMEDOLF are TRYING to actually LOCATE me!!

    Why DOES Jack have a MASSIVE Watch!!

    Funny TO also SEE sun and Jin on the PLANE!!

    It was NICE to see crazy German WOMAN Danielle FINALLY meet her spainish daughter Alex and IT was nice that they Bonded by Bonding Ben to the tree!!

    THis EPISODE proved again MY theory THAT Christian Shephard is STILL alive!!

    What WAS penny Doing on the TV !!

    Who WAS the tall Basketball PLAYER that foudn Locke in the PIT!!

    I'm REALLY looking forward now to next weeks EPISODE called THE Retreat!!

    I will BE posting my FACTOIDS later as I watch with MY night VISON gooogles!!

    Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2007 52 comments

    Labels: I threw the Magifying GLASS

    Friday, May 18, 2007
    MY Review of GREATEST Hats!!
    HELLO fans!! I have JUST watched this WEEKS Episode of LOST "Greatet Hats" as I forgot it was A Thursday YESTERDAY!! I think ABC have been changing my CLOCKS!!

    BEFORE this WEEKS brief REVIEW here is something I rememebred WHEN I watched LAST weeks epsiode

    - Reviewing LAST weeks episode I noticed JACOB say HELP Me!! The same as the HURLEY bird that SAID Help ME!!

    HERE is the review,Eastern EGGS and QUestions from Greatest hats!!

    - Why DID the others MEMBER of Charlie BAND Drivebelt attack SAYIDs sister Nadia!!
    - WHY DID Sayid ALLOW Crazed BErnard (aka ALVIN Hansoi) ACCESS to a gun!! That IS just crazy!!
    - I LIKED how DESMOND went back IN time and TAUGHT Charlie TO Swim!!
    - I loved the NEW Playboy Stations with the playboy rabbit!! I fear THIS show MAY go a little R rated!!
    - Why DID Charlie ATTACK Desmond the the OARS!!
    - Why DIDNT they just cut the CABLE to the playboy STATION!!
    - Why DO the others HATE rabbits so much!! They are EITHER shaking them TO death or STABBING them and taking their FUR off!! Maybe they are MAKING shoes or ties WITH the fur!!
    - HOW can you have A Greatest HITS album with jUST one song on IT!!
    - JUST how much dyanmite did THE Dark ROCK ship have!! I thought LOCKE used it all oN The submarine diversion EXPLOSION and on the Fire STATION!!
    - THe WOMEN in the station ARE original DAHRMA people!! They THINK CHARLIE is an other!!
    - WHY Did Sayid TRY to play RUGBY with Karl!! There WERE much more impotent THINGS to do!!
    - IT was VERY handy that JULIET was able to DRAW the Playboy hatch LAYOUT from memory!!
    - WAS Charlie trying to KILL aaron by leaving HIS ring in his CRIB so that he would choke!!

    I am VERY excited about NEXT weeks EPisode "I threw the Magifying GLASS" which IS a JACOB flashback showing how HE bacome a Ghost!!

    Posted on Friday, May 18, 2007 24 comments

    Labels: greatest hats

    World EXCLUSIVE!! Kate and JACK saved some BEHIND the scenes PHOTOS!!
    Here are SOME world EXCLUSIVE photos from my Super MOLE of BEHIND the scenes OF the RESCUE boat that TAKES Jack and kate off THE island IN next Weeks EPISODE "I threw the Magifying GLASS"!!

    I will HAVE do MY Eastern EGGS and REview hopefulyl LATER!!

    Posted on Friday, May 18, 2007 20 comments

    Labels: jack, kate

    Monday, May 14, 2007
    Major UNCOVERED Eastern EGG!! Jacob Went TO School WITH Ben!!
    Hello PEOPLE who like LOST!! It is ME the Great LOSTIGATOR and EGG Hunter!!

    Here IS an Eastern EGG FROm the man who bought a curtain, that NO OTHER so called LOST site is brave ENOUGH or clever enough to PUBLISH!!

    I have FOUND that the When JACOB was a CHILD he went to the SAME school as Ben!!

    YOu can see HIM sitting BEHIND BEN in these 2 SCREENSHOTS!! He is READING his books about Volcanoes!!

    Posted on Monday, May 14, 2007 38 comments

    Labels: benny, jacob, the man who bought a curtain

    Friday, May 11, 2007
    Some KEY questions that YOU MUST answer NOW!!
    Hello AGAIN!! I have some QUESTIONS that I think ARE FACTS but I would LOVE to hear FROM people who are fans!!

    1) IS Juliet secrety PREGNANT with Goodwills child?
    IS THIS the real Reason SHE wants off the ISLAND!!

    2) DID Jacob give BEN the Tumor to KILL him!!
    WAS this Jacobs way to BE free OF BEN!!

    3) Did JACOB bring LOCKE to the ISLAND to free HIM!!
    Was THIS why it CRASHED!!

    4) WHERE did the Hostils GET all the Weapons FROM!!
    Gas MASKS and GAS!! Where AND why!!

    5) Why DID Richard Alpen LET Ben be the leader!!
    What WAS special about BEN!!

    6) IF Roger Litmus DID not like the ISLAND why did he STAY there 15 YEARS!!
    Why NOT ask ben to leave

    7) WAS Karl BORN in a test TUBE!!
    He is NOT old enough to HAVE been born OFF the island!! Where IS his MOTHER!!

    8) Is Bens CHILDHOOD fiend ANNIE a younge KATE!!
    Yes I think THIS is as good AS Fact!!

    Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 14 comments

    The ISLAND is on EARTH and Is not in the PAST
    Welcome Fiends!! It is TIME to sahre ANOTHER massive factoid WITH you!!

    I can CONFIRM that The ISLAND is on EARTH and is NOT in the past!!

    As you CAN see from THIS Screen capture OF electronic GOODNESS one of the NEW Dharma cleaners IS making a PHONE call!! I think HE might BE phoning the EVIL Bernard AKA Alvin Hansom FROM Hamso INDUSTRIES!!

    Click ON the IMAGE to make IT Expand TO mammouth And GIGANTIC proportions!!

    Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 12 comments

    Eastern EGG!! Did YOU spot Michael
    With THE help OF my friend RECBECCA I have foudn MICHAEL!! When DID Michael Join the OTHERS!! Was HE a plant all ALONG!!

    Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 6 comments

    Labels: michael

    Thursday, May 10, 2007
    MY SOFTWARE has worked out who JACOB is!!
    As my Millions OF fans already KNOW I am one of the mOST repected LOSTIGATORS on the internet and IN books!! You must also know that I write SOFTWARE on a that IS more sophisticated than GOGGLE and MicronSoft and I have RUN my FACE Discovery AND Recognition software ON Jacob!!

    The FACE discovery software DICSOVERED and enhanced the IMAGE to the crystal CLEAR image below and THIS was MATCHED at 87.495% with Jacks alcoholic Brother Christian!!

    Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2007 19 comments

    Labels: christian, jack, jacob

  10. misfit grow up please!!!!

  11. Misfit I'm warning you do not get punched in the frontal lobes because that is what TPTB want! For you to forget what you know!

  12. I mANAGED to STROKE your CLUE!

  13. 3:28 BITCH, I popped you like a fuckin pimple!

  14. ohh misfits i've just love to kill you you're the biggest asshole in the story! how can you write things like this.. men youre stupid!

    Pleae diee soon
    Big asshole!
    And learn how to write

    "i trought the magni.. glas?
    man! trought the looking glass

    You re a decepcion for lost.

    Die Mothafucka!


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