Some KEY questions that YOU MUST answer NOW!!

Hello AGAIN!! I have some QUESTIONS that I think ARE FACTS but I would LOVE to hear FROM people who are fans!!

1) IS Juliet secrety PREGNANT with Goodwills child?
IS THIS the real Reason SHE wants off the ISLAND!!

2) DID Jacob give BEN the Tumor to KILL him!!
WAS this Jacobs way to BE free OF BEN!!

3) Did JACOB bring LOCKE to the ISLAND to free HIM!!
Was THIS why it CRASHED!!

4) WHERE did the Hostils GET all the Weapons FROM!!
Gas MASKS and GAS!! Where AND why!!

5) Why DID Richard Alpen LET Ben be the leader!!
What WAS special about BEN!!

6) IF Roger Litmus DID not like the ISLAND why did he STAY there 15 YEARS!!
Why NOT ask ben to leave

7) WAS Karl BORN in a test TUBE!!
He is NOT old enough to HAVE been born OFF the island!! Where IS his MOTHER!!

8) Is Bens CHILDHOOD fiend ANNIE a younge KATE!!
Yes I think THIS is as good AS Fact!!


  1. these are all SERIOUS and WISELY CHOSEN questions!!

  2. thank god etc that you've become a serious lostigator hopefull the next 3 seasons will give you a chance to redeem youself
    well done

  3. you are a real douche. but its funny. you write like a kid that failed his "special" classes in the bottom percentile. dumbass. I do however think jacob is a chair though. right on that at least.

  4. The first 6 questions are actually good ones, misfit!

  5. 1) No

    2) No

    3) No

    4) The hostiles came from the black rock, ben showed them how to use technology (they had only dynamite) he became their leader because of this.

    5) See above

    6) Free beer

    7) No

    8) No

  6. OMG, is anything on your blog serious? look at how many insults you get daily. start calling episodes and charecters by there real names and STOP, please stop writting every other word in BLOODY capitals. i do agree with kate, anni theory as ben did stick her in a dress a while back, maybe it was anni's dress

  7. well misfit verry interesting questions but i have a good one jacob isint a chair go on darkufo and he has a few screencaps of jacob and i thoght hmm he looks like tom (mr friendly) so my question is is jacob toms dad?

  8. 1) YES


    3) NO!


    5) Ben was a SPECIAL "normal," unlike the immortal BLACK ROCK HOSTILES

    6) They didn't let him!

    7) He MUST have been BROUGHT like JUILET

    8) NO

  9. just curiosity, Locke did not recognized or did not speak to one of the others, that's strange because he used to work with him at the farm before avoiding getting caught for weed...

  10. Misfit, can you run your recognition software against the close-up of Jacob's eye? My simple human facial recognition matches Jacob's eye to Desmond. Thanks!

    here is the eye pic:

  11. Anonymous said...

    1) No

    2) No

    3) No

    4) The hostiles came from the black rock, ben showed them how to use technology (they had only dynamite) he became their leader because of this.

    5) See above

    6) Free beer

    7) No

    8) No

    Saturday, May 12, 2007 2:20:00 PM

    Oi do you have any proof that wat you say is thrue

  12. Great finding, misfit! I'm CRAZY to see what you'll FIND on GREATEST SHITS!

  13. 1. No. She is pregnant with Karl's child. Her child and Sun's will be siblings!

    2. Yes.

    3. No. Desmond brought Locke to the island to save him.

    4. I believe it was part of the Reagan Administration's Iran-Contra dealings.

    5. Richard Alpen is stupid. He thought Ben was Locke.

    6. It's a long swim back home.

    7. Kate aka Annie is Karl's mother.

    8. Yes.

  14. Anonymous said...

    1) No

    2) No

    3) No

    4) The hostiles came from the black rock, ben showed them how to use technology (they had only dynamite) he became their leader because of this.

    5) See above

    6) Free beer

    7) No

    8) No

    Saturday, May 12, 2007 2:20:00 PM

    Oi do you have any proof that wat you say is thrue

    It's my theory... nobody knows what is true except the great lostigator. I think they want to replace him as leader now that he has tought them all he knows about the dharma technology. Ben didn't understand some of the Dharma experiments because he was only a workman... But he knew how to get hold of guns and gas


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