Something that has BEEN bugging me!!

Hello AGAIN people who LOVE Lost!! THIS is something that I need your HELP with!!

Jack pulled the mom and kid from a burning car!!

OK, so he gets a little CUT on his head!! He was NOT in the accident himself!! So WHY would the hospital have EVEN called whoever he had listed as his "emergency contact"!!

Putting THAT aside, they did they CALL Kate, so once she wastes her time GOING to the hospital to see Jack, WHY was it "inappropriate" for her to drive him HOME!! That makes no sense at all!!

IF she felt it WAS appropriate to drive over there as the emergency CONTACT surely she could drive HIM home!! As we saw in the SHOTS in his apt, he must be LIVING alone given the MESS the apt is, so there would NOT be a problem of Kate going there and facing some other PERSON!! And IF it was inappropriate to drive him HOME, why does SHE later feel its appropriate to MEET him at the airport. If anything, meeting HIM at the airport WOULD be even more inappropriate then driving him HOME once she went over to the hospital!!

This is bugging the heck out of me!!


  1. Did you see the episode? They didn't call Kate. He still had his ex-wife down as an emergency contact. And even if it was just a bump in the head doctors don't generally like people driving home. He could have still been in shock as well. I'd say it was just a precaution the hospital took by calling her. He called Kate at a later stage and then she went out to meet him

  2. his emergency contact is his ex wife you stupid piece of crap, watch it again

  3. I know thats been driving me crazy all week, i know how you feel

  4. that was not kate it was jack old wife

  5. that was not kate it was jacks old wife

  6. You turd, Kate wasn't at the hospital, it was Sarah, his ex-wife, she is Jack's emergency contact.

  7. What the hell are you going on about

  8. that wasnt kate he asked to drive him home from the hospital that was his x wife

  9. he he he It was Sarah on the hospital not Kate

  10. I DONT EVEN THINK U WATCH LOST! and for you to write all this s**t for your own amusment is confirming your such a loser!

  11. I'm also flummoxed over Kate's cabalistic pussyfooting so I totally understand your frustration. What I'd also like to know is why did she have that big parturient belly & just who was the lustful culprit who got her preggers in the 1st place?! Perhaps your keen sleuth-a-gating talent can shed some light on this.

  12. I'm sooooooooo glad Kate drove all the way to the airport to see Jack face to face for 2 seconds and then had to get home before the mysterious "he" finds out she is gone. Did anyone notice if Kate had a bracelet? Was she under house arrest? Why did his ex drive all the way to the hospital & turn around and leave!!!?? STUPID!!!!! I hate Lost!

  13. I understand your confusion. It can all be explained by one FaCt that you have over looked. Katliete is a bitch and that's why she jerked Jack around.

  14. Anonymous said...
    "I DONT EVEN THINK U WATCH LOST! and for you to write all this s**t for your own amusment is confirming your such a loser!"

    The very fact that you can't let the author of this blog enjoy writing it, even if its contents are bullshit, makes you the greatest loser.

  15. "OK, so he gets a little CUT on his head!! He was NOT in the accident himself!! So WHY would the hospital have EVEN called whoever he had listed as his "emergency contact"!!"

    GOOD POINT!! Why?

    To answer your other question, she refused giving Jack a ride home, because she was just being bitchy, as usual.

  16. The sad thing is that at least seven people corrected you......I want to birth your babies, misfit. See my other comments (I'm the anonymous one)- WINK

  17. the only time that it's inappropriate to drive someone home from the hospital is when they live 100 miles in the opposite direction...maybe on an island in the pacific!

  18. Dude, let me just say that your lostigatin skills are about as good as GWB's skills at being the US president. I must say that if you are confusing julie Bowen(sarah) and evengeline lily(Kate), you have no idea wtf is going on. In case you wanted to watch the show, its on Wednesdays at 9:00 EST. Season 4 will be starting FEB 7th? i think. you could also go rent seasons 1 and 2 to get caught up, which it pretty much seems you need to do. FYI..its a great show and you claiming to be the lostigator of all time, is one of the funniest damn things I have ever heard.

  19. Dude you are truly Lost if you are getting Julie Bowen(Sarah) and Evangeling Lily(kate) confused. The show is on Wed's at 9:00EST if you ever wanted to watch it, you could even rent seasons one and two. dude, you kinda suck.


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