World EXCLUSIVE!! Kate and JACK saved some BEHIND the scenes PHOTOS!!

Here are SOME world EXCLUSIVE photos from my Super MOLE of BEHIND the scenes OF the RESCUE boat that TAKES Jack and kate off THE island IN next Weeks EPISODE "I threw the Magifying GLASS"!!

I will HAVE do MY Eastern EGGS and REview hopefulyl LATER!!


  1. Wow you truly are the GREATEST mIsFiT!!

  2. wheres this weeks review misfit?
    Its the highlight of my week,..

  3. What a retard! Its obvious that these pics have nothing to do with lost! The island in the background looks nothing like the one in lost, the water is too dark and the boat, well it speaks for itself. This blog used to be good, but i've not seen any decent spoilers or facts for ages and now you've resorted to making up bullshit. Think its time for the misfit to find a new hobby.

  4. i really wonder why i keep coming here


  6. gee i hope this is true misfit or ill blow your fuckin brains out you wash up.

  7. MiSfIt should get his own TELEVISION show!

  8. "I threw the Magifying Glass"


  9. Hey Misfit, HELP PLEASE.

    i was wondering if you could post a link to the post about the injection gun that dharma used and the dharma stations set they were building.

    ive been a fan of your site for a long time and always enjoy your posts.

    the pic is real and kate and jack are off the island at the end of the finaly. all the flashbacks take place off the island but you wont get it till jack goes to meet someone that he calls through out the flashback and he meets her and its kate. jack says they have to go back but kate doesnt want to and drives away.

    hey misfit do you know whos funeral jack goes to??? im sure we wont find out till the end of season 4 or 5.

  10. that aint even the fuckin island. take one look and anyone with a brain cell can tell youre full of shit.

  11. good job misfit

    p.s. the episode is called through the looking glass not i threw the magnifying glass but call it what you will whatever floats your boat

  12. i only come to this site to have a laugh honestly this site is just taking the piss out of lost

  13. No, this site takes the pee out of Lost fans and fan sites who look for every tiny little thing in the show to have massive amounts of significance. That's who the target is..... not the show!

    And I loves it!

  14. look at the damn model number on the side! misifit, why don't you keep this big bummer to yourself. (referring to your pathetic little life)

  15. I still don't understand how anyone could ever find your material funny, you're such a lameass.

  16. Hey Misfit, HELP PLEASE.

    i was wondering if you could post a link to the post about the injection gun that dharma used and the dharma stations set they were building.

    ive been a fan of your site for a long time and always enjoy your posts.

    the pic is real and kate and jack are off the island at the end of the finaly. all the flashbacks take place off the island but you wont get it till jack goes to meet someone that he calls through out the flashback and he meets her and its kate. jack says they have to go back but kate doesnt want to and drives away.

    hey misfit do you know whos funeral jack goes to??? im sure we wont find out till the end of season 4 or 5.


    Is what he said about Jack and Kate true? If it is then i've just been spoiled big time and i'm going to go and cry... if not i'm very gullible.

  17. MiSfIt, dude, I think you should really get your own television show, or audition for the Office.

  18. HOW DARE you ALL who DOUBT Lord mIsFiT!!!! Have't you seen his face recogition software? It's 99.998394% accurate!

    Misfit, great find! Do you think maybe the smoke monster (which obviously is made out of nanobots) assumed the form of a boat?

  19. Ya nice job retard cuz jack and kate didnt get saved

  20. you were wrong like ussual, you suck balls

  21. i think it from james bond but verry funny


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