I have MY face ON Bookface!!

I am NOW on something CALLED Bookface!!


YOU can ADD me as a Fiend!!


  1. It looks like one of the 'Prison Break' character is wearing something similiar to the dharma suit. http://bp0.blogger.com/_mN4k13gukBU/Rwb83NmgORI/AAAAAAAAADI/Xb_n0sfNi9s/s1600-h/wentworth-miller-sweating-07.jpg

  2. sort your life out you F**KTARD!! Its Facebook it says it in the address!! Its not Bookface get a life choad mouth!!

  3. The misfit smokes a short cigar.

    The misfit wears a poncho. Over the biggest long gun you've ever seen.

    The misfit is BACK and he's burning at BOTH ends if you can stand it.

    The man in black...is waiting.

  4. i added you on Bookface, why won't you accept?

  5. why do you not have bookface any longer! my name is cooper sickbay! add me
    i want to sit on your bookface


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