Everyone IS going to GET soggy!!

HELLO friend!! I found THIS new DHARMA lego OVER at dorkufo!! THis PROVES my theory THAT everyone SAID I was Crazy Banananas!! BUT NOW the great LOSIGATOR has proof!!

The NEW Drama STATION is THE WAVE!! THis Station INVESTIGATED large WAVES that killed the DINOSAURS as they had NOT learnt to SWIM yet!!

As you CAN see THE logo IS the same as THE photos OF waves I have!! I have RUN them through MY Wave RECOGNITION Software AND they are a 99.9841% MATCH!!

THis PROOVES I am right oNCE again!!


  1. Damn idiot, Its not a wave, my RECOGNITION Software says thats is 100,0000000% a orchid.

    It is called the Orchid Station.

    ur r a fool, damn idiot

  2. gret find misfit. congrats on a proper post for once

  3. just proves you steal other ppls finds

  4. how the hell would you know thats the orchid?? you dont.

    we know that there is an orchid hatch.

    we know that this is a pic from season 4.

    we know the orchid hatch has been hinted to appear in season 4.

    thats all the info you have. maybe there's an orchid hatch and a wave hatch. just because you WANT to believe that the 2 spoilers MUST correspond, theres no evidence to suggest it.

    for the record, that logo looks NOTHING like an orchid.

    but, then again, you could be right. the looking glass hatch had a RABBIT as its logo, not a mirror.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Damn idiot, Its not a wave, my RECOGNITION Software says thats is 100,0000000% a orchid.

    It is called the Orchid Station.

    ur r a fool, damn idiot

    You are wrong. I can say with great CErTainTY that it is a wave station!

    What tippered me off is that you claim 100,000000% accurecy when we all scientifcally know NoThInG can even register at 100% accuracy, let alone any number abuv that! Your RECogNITION software is obviously flAweD. I would consider envesting in an upgraded virgin.

    Thanks for the info MisFIT. With this factoid, I can now irlegitimally say that I'm 76.695% of the way to solving LOST! I'm with STirking Distances of claiming my rank as the 55th best Lostigator EVRE!!!!!!

  6. I like it when you call him a "damn idiot" and you can not even spell.


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