I know WHO him is and I KNOW what the first SCENE of LOST is!!

Hello EVEYONE!! I am SORRY for my absynth BUT my Intenet OR as I call it TO my FRIEND tony the InterNOT (Ha ha hA!) did NOT work FOR 2 or 3.5 WEEKS!! I kept CALLING them ON the phone but THEY could NOT fix it SO they SENT this LARGE man with tools AROUND and HE fixed IT!! It APPEARED that I did NOT plug the Etharnote CABLE in!! HE Did nOT look happy!

BUT enough OF my disasters!!

I was READING with my EYES over at at a place CALLED ASking Ozillo and HE gave a CLUE about who HIM is!!

someone *** *** ** *** *****, *** ****'* **** a ******

WELL I have asked MY mole and HE has TOLD me the ANSWER!!

someone who was in the crash, but didn't have a kidney

THIS means THAT is is LOCKE who the HIM is!!

ALSO I know THE first SEEN of lost for season 4 and 5!!

Warning!! Spoilers!!


  1. wow nice comment jerk! what an asshole - if you dont like what hes writing or how hes writing then why bother reading? idiot!

  2. Everyone is entitled to their opinion... but he should probably learn to spell.

  3. MisFit, you are a genius. Your problem with ethernet made me crying from laughter.


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