The MISFITs dares TO ask!! Why WAS Kate Visiting JACOB in his HUT!!

YEs It is I again!! With QUestions THAT only I the GREAT and powerful LOSTIGATOR dares ASK!!Other SO caled LostTIgators LIKE Docfarts AND dorkUfo and Lostpeedium NEVER ask!! I watchED Last NIGHTS episode AGAIN with my INFRA-red Googles ON and with a BAG over my head to HELP me spot IMPORTANT clues!!

WHy WAS Kate GOING to JACOBs hut and WHY is Niles HIding THERE!!

THESE are QUESTIONS that I demand an ANSWER too!!


  1. I think Kate want's to pork Jack's Dad,Like Jack's ex Mr's did.

  2. where u even watching cause I know u werent watching it in the UK its not on tell this week end

  3. Kate was bringing Niles a plate of eggs, that's why the episode was called Eggtown. She made a deal with Niles that if she gave him a 55-egg omelet, Niles would tell Kate that she's pretty even though she's been wearing the same sweaty tank top for the last 3 years.

  4. thats not jacobs hut what u on about

  5. his name is "Miles" you dufuses.


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