why DID the FRIEGHTER people ALSO parachute A Dog ONTO the Island!!

HEll0 MY fiends of LOST!! I have HUNDREDS of new FINDS that i will bee POSTING today ont the NEW episode Confined TO bed!!

It was AN odd TITLE but it SEEMS to be REFerring to NAOMI being Confined TO her BED strecher!!I canNOT believ she is STILL alivE!!

OK The FIRST info that I have TO share is TO ask the MASSIVE puzzle QUestion!! "why DID the FRIEGHTER people ALSO parachute A Dog ONTO the Island!!" With MY eagle EYES I spotted THE same TRansmitter that Daniel THE postman HAD!!

Is thiS dog trying to LOCATE vincent!!

MORE finds LATER so STAY tooned!!


  1. I assume the massive amount of typos are on purpose, for comedic effect? And that each and every "spoiler" is also part of your comedy act, as almost none of them are ever true?
    Because surely you are not dense enough to think this is any other dog than Vincent, whom the Locke Tribe have placed Charlotte's beacon no to put the Jack Tribe on the wrong track. Anyway, I don't particularly care for this form of humor, it's just not very funny. It's pedestrian at best, childish at worst.

  2. misfit, i have some important information for you - this dog is CLONE of the dog VINCENT!!! VINCENTCLONE was parachuted in order to infiltrate the LOSTIES! this is clearly ben's MAN on the boat!!!

  3. Kate KNOWS the name OF the dog, she's part OF the conspiracy !!!!

  4. i like potatoes and i also love women. misfit is awesome please PM me at my URL, my name on the forum is Niffler. Mikey, please!


  6. You idiots! IT is CLEAR that this dog is TEH BLACK SMOKE pretending to be VINCENT.

  7. You guys are all fucked that think the dog is not vincent


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