THe MISFIT dares to ASK!! WHY cant the PEOPLE on the Island SEE the Freytor!!

YES it is I the MISFIt BACK again!!I Purchased SOME new XRAY vision Googles and USED it to watch Gee On FRAME by FRAME!!

I noticed SOMETHING that NO other Losigator HAVE found!!People LIKE docfarts, dorkufo and thefailsection HAVE all Failed Miserably!!

Here WE can see the island IN the background BUT why CANT the people on the ISLAND see it!!Is the BOAT invisible!!

ALSO why IS there an AXE in the BOAT!!DOes someONE have superPOWER!! or is IT something LIKE the fillerdelphia Experiments!!


  1. 'docfarts, dorkufo and thefailsection'

    lol mister.

  2. Good catch I don't think Dorkufo would have caught this huge find.

    Good work......

  3. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. agreed. "thefailsection." Top notch. keep it up. Its been said before, but the only reason I think I continue watching this show is for this blog. So good.

  5. Maybe they are trying to reach the island to HEAL their boat from ITS AXE WOUND!!!!

  6. i dunno misfit it appears you have ALSO missed an important clue! Michael's clone got an axe STUCK in the outside of the boat WHILE practicing to sink the ship by cutting A hole in the hull which leads me to WHY? is he trying to kill his friend's Sayid and Desmond and those other new people who's names i've already FORGOT!

    Oh and WE demand MORE from the WORLDS greatest Living LOSTIGATOR and spoilerGATOR!!

  7. I'm sorry misfit. But you have lost your once great site. You got too rediculous with everything.

    At the beginning, it was actually useful stuff. Now it is as if you think it is all a joke and worthless.

    Once a fan.

  8. Maybe there is an axe murderer on the boat?

  9. what a bunch of wierdo's, found this site by accident and now feel nausious

  10. That's a promo photo of regina, this was on DarkUFO first, you're retarded

  11. I agree with Once a fan. You've just gotten too rediculous.

    You used to post genuine clues like the Dharma symbol in the back on Henry's head, but now it's like you don't take lostigating siriusly at all.

  12. To Once a Fan:

    If you were once a fan and now you're not a fan then you were never any sort of fan at all.

    You un-allegiant knave.

  13. The fanboys are getting their knickers in ever-tightening knots!

    Keep up the good work Misfit :)


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