Why DOES Michaels Clone Kelvin Johnson WORK for HANSOM!!

HELLO!! I have QUESTIONS that no one DARES to ask!!My Eyes SPOTTED that Kelvin Johnson WORKS for hansom Foundation


  1. ThE ToP SayS N0t VaLiD UntIl SiGnEd!! N0 SiGNaTurE!!!

  2. I'm sorry what in that picture makes it seem that he works for Hanso?

  3. Look at the bottom left corner. This is surely a mega clue.

  4. Dude this guy hasnt even watch the show yet as it doesnt air tell the week end here in the UK
    If he does live here I dare him to name a time and place and I'll meet him their
    and dont say he got it off of itunes or some other site cause when I go to those sites it tells me their not avilable in the UK yet

  5. He´s Michael, Not a Clone!!
    he´s an undercover agent of Ben
    working undercover for Widmore´s Freighter
    (Watch the episode more closely)

    Keep up the good work misfit!

  6. The passport number starts with HNSO. Is that your Hanso connection?

  7. @ toph
    Tom just handed Michael the passport right before the shot, it wouldn't have made much sense for it to be signed before he got it, even if it was fake.

  8. Probably the fact that it says hanso on it...Nice find mike

  9. hELLO FELLOW lostigators!!!! i have been SCOURING the EpISODE and DARE TO ASK: why are there giant CARROTS by michal's car in the DOCKYARD?? was BEN planning on delivering them for his PET RABBIT in time for easter????

    i believe this TAKES me to HaVING completed 99.784935% of LOST!!!!

  10. The passport number is HNSO12153. Not proof, but perhaps a code for where it was processed? A Hanso station? I don't have a passport, so I have no clue how the numbers are assigned.

  11. @anonymous: The HNS0 on the front of the passport number.

    A more pressing question is why MiKEy has a lot of ViDEO CasseTTES under the tV in his APArtmEnt when there is NO VcR to WaTCH them ON!?!?!?!!!

    Has he stolen Ben's Redsox video collection?

    I am SURprisEd that our superior LOSTigatOR has not AnswEreD this QUESTION!

  12. the Number in the right : HNS0...

  13. I'm sorry what in that picture makes it seem that he works for Hanso?

    HNS012153 etc. at the bottom.

  14. My eyes obviously aren't as good as the misfits as it took me a while to realise.

    It say HNSO under the passport ID on the top right of the passport.

    Clearly this is a reference to the Hanso corporation.

  15. At first sight I didnt spot anything either, but after checking one more time, maybe the letters "HNSO" in the bottom left corner ?

  16. Also, notice that the passport is valid from the 0th day of July 1999 until the 1st day of July 2009.


    maybe there's some signifigcance to those numbers?

    00071999 - 01072009 ?

    or, in United States date notation:

    07001999 - 07012009 ??

  17. Dude this guy hasnt even watch the show yet as it doesnt air tell the week end here in the UK
    If he does live here I dare him to name a time and place and I'll meet him their

    You complete twat! Anyone that knows anything about the internet knows that you can download any program within an hour of it being aired.

    I watched this edition Friday morning & yep I'm from good ole blighty.

    dont say he got it off of itunes or some other site cause when I go to those sites it tells me their not avilable in the UK yet

    You are a funny little nobjockey. iTunes you say... lol. I guess you shop at PCWorld too.

  18. Misfit, some people are claiming that HansOm was laying in the bed beside Mike in the hospital. I think you should investigate...you are the only one with the expertise and goggles necessary.

  19. Also check out when Danielle is lying face down after being fakely shot. No no entrance or exit wound from a bullet hole on her back side to match the front.

  20. just like I thought the Misfit doesnt even live in the UK since he has named a time and place for me to meet him at

  21. HNSO
    is the middle 4 letters of the name

    I await your rude commenst


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