Sawyer WAS the catain OF the Black ROcks!!

YEs IT is i the GREAT lostigator and SPOILERgartor!!

I have a new IMAGE that shows that SAWYER was actually ON the Black ROCK when It crashed!!

THis Is HUGE news!!

WARNING the above contains spoileroonies!!


  1. nice photoshop jpb, obviously NOT his body attahced to that head.

  2. Wow...that's a pretty horrible photoshop.

  3. 2nd OUTRAGEOUS Comment!!

  4. Didn't I see Orlando Bloom wearing that costume in Pirate of the Caribbean

  5. Does this mean Sawyer is Alver Hanson?!

  6. soooo hot, especially as a pirate!

  7. Lord Lostigator, I have huge scoopage spoileroonies for you!!!!!!!!! Jack, Keamy and Richard all met before going to the Island!!!!!!! Watch Smokin' Aces, the movie-very scary, especially crazed Keamy with his chainsaw and evil Richard with his extendo-spike!!!!!!! Lost will never be the same again. Watch the movie, misfit-it will bring you 99.7462798824628% closer to solving LOST once and for all!!!!!!

  8. this doesn't p[roove anything u are a pzhycho who lives in a care home cause u are retarded and u can't spell u faqggot fuck

  9. thats sooooo rude! I heart smoking aces

  10. To anon saying he can't spell you just said this: 'u' instead of 'you', 'p[roove' instead of prove, and 'faqggot' instead of 'faggot' and 'cause' instead of 'because'. So shut up.

  11. I don't care if he leading the coalition of Hostiles And Dharma for World Peace. As long as he doin' it with his shirt opened or off!!!

    Or more, if he cares to.

  12. Hello misfit! A lot of peple have been saying that Charlotte is actually Ben's old friend Annie, but I think this is rubbish. Can you solve the mystery once and for all by running your famous face recognition software? Thanks.

  13. Misfit, Over a month and no more news???, Especially with all the filming, Come ON!!! keep it coming, Love your stuff and finds...

    Whatever happened to all the connections to lost and Dharma in Canada.. box company, mission/posting to Canada etc..?

  14. what is the canadian connection and why are all the bad guys canadian (ethan, kate, nathan, keamy, locke's dad) - is it more than coincidence?

  15. Kate's not a bad "guy". Anyway, of course this is photoshopped, but Misfit does make on hell of a great body.


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