My ReVIews!! Episode 5x06 - FLIGHT 812!!

HELLo again!! I HAVe fianlly Scene The NEW episode of lost CALLED 315 and HERE is my Spectacular REVIEW which In my OPINION is the best on the INTERNET and on paper or Other Devices!!

The EPISODE started oddly WITH them SHOWING the pilot EPISODE again although I don't REMEMMBER jack reading a NOTE!!

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FOr some REASON Hurley is TRYING to drown a Guitar so JACK decides to JUMP in!! He is NOT a GOOD diver!!He should have Taken HIs jacker OFF!!

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Jack MANAGES to rescue the guiatr Case FROM the crazed HURLEY

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AS USUAL kate is NO use and Sleeps through the WHOLE thing!!
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Ms Squarwking SHOWS some ODD forumlas which I have RUN through MY forum REcognition SOFTWARE!! It predicts the LOCATION of the ISLAND which is the SAME post CODE as my HOUSE!! I suspect ABC or the NSA is involved and will USE this to track ME down!! It was HOWEVER a nice SHOUT out to my INVESTIGATIVE skills!!

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DESMONDS now possesed SOME strange MAgnetic FORCE as the Pendulam SEEMS to bounce OFF and avoid him as HE carelessly CROSSES the map!!
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It was ODD that the CONTINUITY people made a MISTAKE again!!They SHOW Flight 812 WHICH is just 4 LESSS than the original FLIGHT 816 which THEY crashed!!

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FOR some REASON JACK is given a LETTER from Himself!!
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Nice to SEE mrs Sqarking AGAIN keeping an EYE on jack!!
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Finally AS I predicted IN 1994 WE see JACOB!! He SEEMS to have retired to AND old peoples HOME!!
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JACK steals JACOBS shoes!!
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BEN seems to HAVE a nasty SKIN condiiton!! I suspect THAT this is the SICKNESS
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JACK is getting MORE demented!! He puts JACOBS shoes on DEAD locke!!
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NOT sure WHY kate does NOT recognise JACK!! I suspect SHE is already Gettign sleepy!!
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Finalyl WEE see Sayids TWIN!! Although HE does NOT look much LIKE him!!The CASTING director SHOULD be appauled!!
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SO CINDY was a COP after ALL!!
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I found it ODD that HUGO was reading a comic IN a strange LANGUAGE!! ITs Either Peruvian OR Australian!!
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Kate is STILL bemused and looking sleepier!!
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The SICKNESS has now spread TO bens ARMS!!
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The ISLAND seems to have CURED FRANK lapdancers of his BEARD!!
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BENS sickeness SEEMS to be GETTING better!! He IS reading a BOOK called Oddities!!
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I would HAVE thought LOCKE could HAVE said that TO jack!! What A waste OF paper!!
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ANOTHER person who is SLEEPY!!
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The CAMERA work on the PLANE was terrible!! IT was ALL shakey!!
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I think THE editors CUT the end off AND repeated the EPISODE as I am 99.84843% sure THIS was the same sceen as the START!!
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KATE is still Hopelessly SLEEPY!!
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FOR some REASON JIN comes OUT to Protect the GUITAR case from the increasingly LOOPY Hurley!!
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I cannot WAIT for NEXT weeks EPisode "THE life and debts OF Gerald Bentham"


  1. For gods sake. That was not Sayid's brother and it was Flight 815. Watch closer next time

  2. Worse Review Ever and please use a spell checker. Idiot

  3. Hurley was drowning you muppet. Why do you type so strangly?

  4. Kate was unconscious NOT asleep. What is wrong with you?

  5. After all these years people dont realize this site is a joke... AMAZing !!!!!!!!!! ^_^
    Get a brain, morAns !!!!!!!!!
    (Great Lostigating, as always, Misfit !!)

  6. omg! best review ever!!! hahahaha! I LOVED IT! :D

  7. Your LOSTigating SKiLLz are much BETTER than MINE. I thought that SQUAWKING was predictING that the ISLAND was going to BE in a STOre in Los ANGEles. ABC must BE onto YOUR Lostigating. And you didn't even USE the SPOON this WEEK!

  8. Superior forking skills misfit! Not only do I agree that Desmond was magnetic, he was also possessed by the devil because of the crazed looks on his face!

  9. I still can't decide what's funnier - the misfit's reviews or the comments of the readers who still believe this site is kosher, haha

  10. You funking dumb retard what kind of Review is that ?
    Nigger go get some life

  11. Misfit, you are the best lostigator on the planet!!

  12. "I found it ODD that HUGO was reading a comic IN a strange LANGUAGE!! ITs Either Peruvian OR Australian!!"
    Hahahahaha. Love the skillz

  13. loves it! even though I think Lost jumped the shark on this one, my brain hurts!

  14. If I ever get lost, I'm calling the lostigator!
    Perfect reveiw.s I'm getting a little worried about the evil Alvin Hansed and Rose.s Any clues, Misfit?

  15. Great Review Misfit.
    Been following this site for years now, you :)

  16. "AS USUAL kate is NO use and Sleeps through the WHOLE thing!!" - I LOVED that one!!!! So funny! I love your lostigatingss Although I have to confess that where I first came here I though you were serious and that there was something wrong with you LOL

  17. Can you get a close up of crazy Welsh Desmond's hair? It look's like sayid's future hair - CAN WE BE SURE IT WASENT SAYD IN DISGIZE?

  18. nice. i love reading the pissed off comments. they're actually better than the misfit's reviews.

  19. my picture dident appear!

  20. amaZing theorieS - good old mrs SQUAWKING

  21. I SUSPECT that Kate was SO sleepy due to PURE BOREDOME brought aboot by HER nookietime with JACK the night BEFORE. JACK should rent the Karma Sultry someTIME to GET some sexytime hints.

  22. To Tim: maybe you OUGHT to get a BRIAN!
    Misfit, GRATZ on the ackowledgement of your LOSTIGATION. That is HIGH praise indeed. Jacob's shoes, Sayid's twin, Cindy as a COP, curing FRANK lapdancer's beard... that's TONS of good stuff, thanks a lot. Use TOR or a proxy (or both) to AVOID THE TRACKERS. Keep up THE good WORK!

  23. I think Desmond's gravity affected the pendulum and that's why the brains are bleading back on Lost island. Nice screen cap on Mrs. Sqarking overseeing Jack's generational transformations. I totally didn't see that until now! Your Lostigations are the best, but it's Jeremy Bentham, not Gerald Bentham in next week's episode. That's who Locke is to them but they can't say his name because of the timeline thing.

  24. Oh, it seems like the truth to me!

  25. Nice to SEE mrs Sqarking AGAIN keeping an EYE on jack!!

  26. damn you used to be good, try watching the damn show next time...


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