
Showing posts from February, 2008

The MISFIT dares TO ask!! - ARE there 2 FRIEGHTERS

My REviews of EPISODE 5 the Consonant!!

The MISFIT dares to ASK - Why does ERIN only have 4 TOES!!

I have FOUND massive GHOULIES!!

The MISFITs dares TO ask!! Why WAS Kate Visiting JACOB in his HUT!!

My reviews!! The EGgtimer!!

The MiSfit DARES to Ask!! - WHere did LOCK get HIS superHUMAN powers from!!

There IS another SMOKE monster!!

The MISFIT dares TO ASK!! Why IS ben WEARING a DRESS!!

I KNOW why SAYId is WORKing for BENNY!!

I have FOUND Jacobs CABIN!! It is a FLOATING house!!

My REVIEW!! episode 3 - The Ergonomist!!

SPOILER for EPISODE 5 - THE Consonant!!

My REVIEWS!! - Confined to BEd!!

Why WAS Niles Hoovering EKO's house

why DID the FRIEGHTER people ALSO parachute A Dog ONTO the Island!!

The OTHERS are secretly FILMING hugo!!

My Reviews!! THe Beginning OF the BEND!!

MASSIVe find!! Gin has BEEN replaced By a FAKE

WORDl exclusive!! FIRst Picture OF gay couple!!

The MISFIT dares to ASKs!! Why DID Hurley AND Jack NOT remember each OTHER

The MISFIT dares to ASK!! - WHAT is wrong WITH baby Erin;s HEAD!!

The MISFIT dares to Ask!! - Why is THERE a FISH tank in the POLICE station!!